After some starting problems I have found the trainings rhythm including the resting days :). By every week it is getting closer to the D-day I have less problems to stick more consequent to the plan. I have a 2 hour swim training Mondays. Running with a running body, who is a much better runner than I am, on Tuesday. On Wednesday I try to cycle. On Thursday I run again but just alone and a less intense program than on Tuesday. Friday and Saturday are the days on which I run and swim.

I decided to run on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I think that I have a lot of catch up to do with running since I was injured for almost 2 years. For 3 months I am completely injury free and can run as long as I like. Then you actually know how much you missed running. I cycled a lot instead but I cannot catch up with the feeling which running gives you.
I love all 3 parts (swimming, cycling and running) that is why I am so addicted to triathlon but it has to be in a good balance and this gives me the good feeling which I was missing a little in the last years.
Now half way the road, 6 months to go. What can I say? What do I expect for the next 6 months
I can say that the training goes quite good and I am very happy that I can notice progress in running again.I am confident that I will improve my marathon time from the last time. Swimming goes good as well but I never had problems with this part. I will try to improve it though so I can get more relaxed on the bike. Cycling is the key part at every triathlon according to me. It is the easiest way to improve you time and you find very fast many people who love cycling. The only problem is that you need to train very specific once in a while...
What do I expect from the upcoming half year? That the training will be more intense and that I might see better progress than in the last years when I trained for a full triathlon, at least I hope so :). Since I started with buying a trainings plan so I could not too much and just be able to finish. Because of the good experience I continued with this planned but the planner did not planned around my injury and I am somehow stubborn (believe it or not I am :))) so I followed the plan whatever it costs which actually cost a lot! First not the time I wanted to finish (but I was still happy with the time I had) and one year I really had to slow down the training intensity so I can and could start a season good and fresh - which I did so far I can see and judge!